Blackman Wrestlers, parents and coaches celebrated the end of another successful season Monday night at the annual Blaze Wrestling Banquet. The event was held at New Vision Baptist Church.
The end of the season is always bittersweet. On one hand the celebration of accomplishment is uplifting and inspiring. But at the same time, it is the last organized event including the outgoing seniors.
With all that said, Blackman did have much to celebrate. For the second straight season, Blackman won the Region 5 Dual Championship and the Region 5 Traditional Championship. The Blaze finished 9th at the traditional state tournament and added another state champion in 170 pound Junior Landon Fowler. This marks the 4th year in a row that Blackman has had a state champ.
While there is no doubt that there are a lot of hard working young men on the team, there are always those who are recognized for their outstanding effort and contributions. Superlative awards were given as follows:
Coaches Award – Bowdy Boyce, Daniel Bradford, & Jamil Hughes
Mental Toughness Award – Jalen Brown
Unsung Hero Award – Spencer Layne
Captains Award – Brooks Sacharczyk
Most Improved Award – Austin Marlatt & Anthony Gomez
Academic Excellence Award – Ryan Heath
Rookie of the Year – Jeremiah Savage
Daniel Winters Blackman Award – Liam Elam
MVP Award – Landon Fowler
Iron Man Award – Brooks Sacharczyk, Daniel Bradford, Jayden Hemphill, Ryan Heath, Landon Fowler, Liam Elam, Spencer Layne

Blackman also recognized MTSU All-American stand-out Byron Smith for all of his contributions in the practice room and countless hours he has spent coaching and mentoring the wrestlers.
Congrats to all the coaches, wrestlers and support staff on a fantastic season!!!
A few pictures from the wrestling banquet can be found on our PHOTOS page.