Basic Wrestling Fundamentals

  1. Try to watch what works for others against your opponent, and then use them.
  2. Force your opponent to wrestle your style by initiating first.
  3. Plan at least 3 “chain” moves in a row. The first two tend to set up your opponent for the third move.
  4. Learn all moves even though you might never use them. It will help you counter against them.
  5. Stay level headed even under extreme pressure by your opponent. Stress uses up energy very fast and keeps you from being methodical.
  6. Don’t continually use a move that fails more than twice.
  7. Keep your head up on the bottom and control your opponent’s hands when possible.
  8. Shift your body so you don’t carry your opponent’s weight.
  9. Don’t use moves in a match that you haven’t first developed in practice.
  10. Shoot only if you can reach out and touch your opponent’s elbows and stand with your feet apart and your hands out in front and low.
  11. Fake that you have lots of energy left during a break. Never let on to the referee or your opponent how tired you really are.
  12. Take direct shots and shift stance continuously to prevent telegraphing.
  13. Practice all out the same as a match, but don’t practice conservatively. You can’t loose at practice so try a lot of moves and technique.
  14. When facing an opponent who knows as many different moves as you do, stick with basic technique and traditional moves.
  15. Be perpendicular to your opponent and keep your head down when pinning.
  16. Always drive the head into your opponent on a takedown; never walk around with your butt up.
  17. The best time to move again is right after a successful move.
  18. Practicing even once a week off season puts you way ahead of those who only practice during the season.
  19. Wrestling has many styles, each emphasizing different techniques to accomplish the same objective. The more styles you learn the more sophisticated and “rounded” your attack will be.
  20. Fight to the very end, never quit, especially if your opponent is stalling.
  21. Conditioning is a personal responsibility.
  22. You only get out of wrestling what you put in.