Blackman Starts the Season 3-0

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The Blackman Wrestling team fired off three wins in a row last night at home in an impressive display of force in the first dual matches of the 2015 – 2016 season.  Franklin County, McGavock and Smyrna all traveled to Blackman hoping to get past the Blaze but those hopes were short lived.  Blackman started with a solid win over Franklin County landing wins from several of our JV wrestlers and at least one guy fresh from football.

The match with McGavock was the toughest of the evening.  Despite McGavock’s 10th place ranking, Blackman cruised out to a 40-0 lead before giving up two forfeits at 220 and 285.  McGavock cut the lead to 40-24 behind some solid work from their lightweights before Blackman once again took control and won the last three bouts.  I believe the final score was 49-28.

The nightcap of the evening was the match against Smyrna.  Blackman defeated Smyrna 66-12.  Many of our young guys got matches in the dual and many more got exhibitions at the end of the night with Smyrna’s JV and varsity wrestlers.

All in all a great start to the season!!  Pictures of the duals can be found HERE.